CHILD LABOUR: the company does not favour any child labour (children below 14 years of
age) and it is not involved in any trade relation with suppliers that do not abide by this
fundamental requirement.
SAFETY AT WORK: the company ensures a safe and healthy workplace by implementing all
the necessary actions in order to prevent accidents and damages to health in compliance with
the health and safety at work legislation.
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND UNION RIGHTS: the company respects and defends the rights of all workers to join and participate in trade unions.
DISCRIMINATION: business activities such as hiring, promotion, and compensation of employees, are conducted without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, or age.
DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: the company bans any form of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuses.
WORKING HOURS: the company complies with the applicable laws and the collective labour agreements concerning ordinary and overtime working hours
WAGES: the company guarantees the respect of minimum wages capable of satisfying the basic living needs. Workers receive clear and detailed pay slips and the remuneration is rendered in a manner convenient to the worker.
SUPPLIERS: the company supports all those supplying companies proving the compliance with the above mentioned principles. The company does not have any trade relations with suppliers that do not fulfil these requirements.