Everyday three basic principles mark
and drive Lamipel’s activities


Every day we devote care and attention to develop relationships with a wide network of both national and international suppliers and customers to whom we offer a wide range of articles, customized services, timely deliveries all over the world, together with innovative and flexible solutions tailored to the specific need of each customer.


By quality we mean the careful choice of suppliers and production plants; the accurate selection of all materials coming into our facilities; the guarantee of materials’ traceability and quality through inspections, chemical and organoleptic analysis carried out by a highly qualified personnel.


We convey strong human and company values that have always driven Lamipel’s business since the very beginning. The principles that make Lamipel stand out are the caring for our employees, the sustainable supply of raw material, the environmental protection, safety at work and the protection of human rights.

Lamipel is proud to support Leather Naturally initiative, promoting
the use of globally-manufactured sustainable leather and seeking to inspire and inform designers, creators,
and consumers about its beauty, quality and versatility.